Aug 8Liked by Gareth Roberts

You make such great points and make me laugh at the same time as always. I also remember the skinheads coming in Primary School. Them or the (football) Casuals

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A very good piece, but I would add one (quite a few) word of caution.

You can't insult, defame, destroy communities with mass immigration, ignore their votes and jail people for tweets without there being a serious backlash. These riots were mostly a mixture of bored football idiots waiting for the season to start, outraged citizens and a handful of actual far right thugs.

The response of the authorities will only organise the next response and I that's something that's worried me for about a decade. The other possibility is the working classes are so disheartened that there's nothing to coalesce around.

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You know who you never meet? Anyone in the far right. I made the same point about a year ago when Substack was having its Nazi panic & got castigated for it but the point is that these movements are far more populous in journalists’ imaginations than they are out here in the real world.

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It takes a lot of time, energy and money to organise "far right" agent provocateurs and distribute them over 100 locations, and we all know how disorganised, lazy and broke our guv is.

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I did a thing about the Hope Not Hate and Stand Up To Racism counter protesters. I later found out I’d been too kind to them. https://open.substack.com/pub/redcentrist/p/the-counter-demonstrators?r=9e6fk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Union flag (not Jack) upside down BTW- remember, as in Britain, always “the thickest white” (stripe) at the top…

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And if it's flown upside down at sea (where it is properly called the Union Jack) it means 'ship in distress'. So maybe the people in the photo are trying to tell us something?

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Well written and succinct summary of the recent events, from the snippets I've seen while working a stint abroad

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The far right doesn't consist of just skinheads. Plus, the number of ethno centric Whites has grown a lot over my life. It used to be underground. Now it's open.

You guys think people who care about our history and our nations and are willing to lose their livelihoods protesting foreign men in our nations and cities attacking and raping our women... You think they are feds.

You guys are retarded.

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I'm glad you understood what you wrote.....

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Doesn't it seem at all odd to you that nobody who writes or speaks from a "far right" perspective has any connection to the supposed "far right rioters"? Of all the online commentariat who espouse "ethnocentric" perspectives, none of them claims to be involved or in any way connected to these spectacles. Quite to the contrary, the would-be leading luminaries like Morgoth are like, "Never been a better time to go fishing, mates!"

It is clear that all of the "far-right" talkers and thinkers are viewing this meta-narrative through the mediating lens of official and press narratives. (Including you.) Nobody knows who these rioters are or who is organizing them. Certainly, none of them are telling their own stories or reasons. They just disappear into the back of vans and get transported to the next street-theatre venue. But self-styled far-right commentators want desperately to believe these events are real, because the narrative has been expertly engineered to resonate as vindication with the "real far right," who are all online and who are the actual target of this entire agenda.

It's reminiscent of the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The media are like, "Top far right extremists are throwing some trash cans." We ask, "Who is it?" The media respond, "Top. Men."

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Alright brother, you can think it's all a show of ya want. I'm really not convinced by your rhetoric. If you had something substantial, like more videos of what I showed above, then I'd take it seriously.

I think it was a grassroots reaction to what happened and terminally online people are shocked whenever that happens. Fyi, I doubt you'd be able to meet any of the folks who went there. You seem too cerebral for what is a kinetic war on the ground. Too many jerk offs stroking their egos, not enough boots on the ground.

Again, you will probably think the revolution and crackdowns are staged when they happen, until it comes to your little bubble.

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I wouldn’t have occasion to meet the street performers because I’m not a paid intelligence operative. And guess what: you’ll never meet them either. Because they’re fake. It’s all a show.

You say you’re not “convinced by my rhetoric,” but the fact is you’re simply embracing a narrative given to you by the Jewish government and media, tailor made to “stroke your ego”. By passively adopting their messaging, you’re feeding energy into their agenda.

And again, like I’ve said, yes: the crackdowns will be real. That’s the real part. (But “Revolution”? Yeah, that’ll be fake.)

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Lol alright bro. Touch grass.

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You have a very Irish name but a very American way of communicating - 'Feds'? Dear me, Elliott Ness will be appearing soon.

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It's Scots. And I am American.

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