Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Gareth Roberts

As much as I enjoy fantasizing about leading straight men astray, it's not Team Gay who's responsible for the baby shortage.

There's nothing wrong with hetero marriage in America that affordable child care, affordable health insurance and medical care, affordable tuition, job security and satisfaction for parents, reasonable prospects of vocational success for children, middle class wages that a family of 4 can live on and the promise of a comfortable retirement wouldn't go a long way towards solving.

Perhaps it's just the circles that my recently divorced daughter travels in, but finding ways of keeping men from checking out of their marriage mentally when they hit their 40s and 50s would help a lot. That, and not the allure of a newer and younger partner, is what's ailing the marriages of a number of people she knows.

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Jul 26Liked by Gareth Roberts

The economist Lizza Minelli 😂🤣 I’m dying! I love how you write. As with your book, Gay Shame, you manage to make such serious and important points in a fun and common sense way. Thanks Gareth x

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Money Makes The World Go Around a chinking chanking sound

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Mark, a yen, a buck or a pound

That clinking, clanking, clunking sound

Is all that makes the world go 'round


It makes the world go 'round!

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Jul 26Liked by Gareth Roberts

I actually think all the rituals and fripperies around heterosexual relationships, the way straight culture mythologises and sacralises them, are a big part of the problem. It inculcates false expectations from a young age and has very little to do with the realities of what make a relationship work or not work.

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Nup I reckon "The Fripperies"; like Robert Fripp are all very human and creative- and good for sexy - Wake up please stop all the navel gazing whinning ( I hear it .. "oh whoa is me!") .A great big "Unwoke" is now the everymans neo- puritanism; a sort of evil conscience parrot an 'evil angel' ; sitting on our collective shoulder - pecking at our social brain - These party pooper insufferables have become a stasi- pretend literati too and seem to critique anything they are incapable of achieving -funny that they want to spoil everybody elses progress. self serving disgendered unprogressivism with fugly blue bowl cuts. Thank God for Gareth - try listening to a man of wisdom - thank God for the Gays( ol skool)

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Jul 29Liked by Gareth Roberts

I don't know if you've ever read Bryan Caplan's blog, but he came to a similar conclusion that we could make fertility socially desirable by having "fertility pride":


I don't know if I agree with him that this would work, but the big problem is that fertility is such a low-status concern, (unfortunately it tends to get conflated with a rather ugly ethnonationalism), that nobody who matters is going to burn their own political capital on such a project. So it'll never happen anyway.

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That’s very interesting thank you!

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The Age of Stupid is well-named for the characteristics of this author.

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